Lighthouse in Winter

Easy to Paint

Lighthouse in winter. — Painting Instructions Below


  • Mixing Yellow
  • Grey (Mix Black and White)
  • Blue (Baby Blue)
  • Pompadour Red
  • Brown
  • Black
  • Porcelain Ornament

  • Clay Shaper or Wipe Out Tool
  • Kneaded Eraser (Optional)
  • #8 Flat Sable or Squirrel hair Brush
  • #4 Flat Sable or Squirrel hair Brush
  • #2 Flat Sable or Squirrel hair Brush
  • Small Sable Round Brush for Fine Lines
  • Lint free rags
  • Pallet Knife
  • Pallet for Paints

  • Mineral Oil
  • Denatured Alcohol or Glass Cleaner
  • Lint Free Cotton Rags
  • Blue Paper Towel
  • Graphite Paper
  • Small Tile or Piece of Glass
  • Brush Cleaner
  • Access to an Electric Kiln
  • Sharpie Marker or China Marker



Remove the metal hanger from the ornament. Spray denatured alcohol or glass cleaner onto the ornament and wipe it off with a clean lint free cloth. Old cotton sheets, cotton t-shirts and industrial strength blue paper towels are all good lint free choices for cleaning porcelain.


Here are few helpful and basic tips for transferring this design. I find that it is easier to transfer the design onto a three dimensional surface in small stages. First transfer the design onto the front of the ornament and then trace over the design with a Sharpie marker which prevents the graphite lines from rubbing off. Secondly, transfer the design onto the back of the ornament and go over the design with a Sharpie marker. You might notice some blank areas around the ornament. Fill in some of these blank areas around the ornament with design elements, such as, holly and berries. It is a good idea to draw the horizon line all the way around the ornament with your Sharpie marker. Horizon lines are usually straight where the water meets the sky.

Scroll down to the bottom of this article to locate the pen and ink drawing that you can use to transfer the lighthouse drawing onto tracing paper.

Now let’s get started by placing a piece of tracing paper over the pen and ink drawing and tracing your design with a Sharpie marker. Another method used to transfer a drawing to tracing paper is to cut a piece of tracing paper to a letter size 8.5" by 11" sheet and place the tracing paper in your printer paper tray. Copy the pen and ink drawing onto the tracing paper.

Next, place a piece of graphite paper with the graphite side face down on the porcelain ornament. The graphite paper should be sandwiched in between the tracing paper and the porcelain ornament. Using a stylus or knitting needle, trace along the lines of the design. After you are finished, lift the tracing paper and graphite paper and review your design. At this point, you can use a Sharpie marker to fill in any areas that you might have missed. Also, you can go over the graphite lines with a Sharpie marker so that the lines are easier to see while you paint. You will see the marker and graphite in your paint, however, after firing in the electric kiln, the marker and graphite burns out of the china paint.



China paint is usually a powder mixture packed into clear plastic or glass vials. Pour a small amount of powder onto a grinding glass or a ceramic tile. Use an eyedropper or scoop a small amount of mineral oil onto your pallet knife and drop onto the china paint powder. Use the pallet knife to mix the paint. Mix thoroughly. Mix the paint to resemble the consistency of toothpaste. If the paint is too runny, add more powder. You can also scoop up paint that has too much oil and place it on newsprint.The newsprint absorbs the extra oil in the paint. Continue mixing the paint on the newsprint until the newsprint absorbs the oil. After your paint is well blended with the mineral oil, use your pallet knife to scrape the paint off of the tile or glass and transfer the paint mixture to your pallet.